The various economic sectors and in all highly developed countries, the main factors against the UK economy is represented by high wages and strong presence in the sectors of manufacturing and heavy industry in emerging countries, especially China, Taiwan , India and South Korea. Agriculture accounts for only 1 of GDP and contributes little to the 2 of PPP. Highly mechanized, its main products are potatoes, sugar beet, wheat and barley. Livestock is also significant, especially sheep and cattle, to be a major European producer of milk and its derivatives. Fishing, however, suffers a severe restructuring process, like the rest of the fleets of the European Union countries due to the reduced volume of fish in traditional fishing grounds. In industry, the main activities are machinery, transport equipment (vehicles, railways and aerospace) and chemicals.The high technological development and large sums for research make the British economy enjoys such good health. The ailing industries are textiles and shipbuilding. Mining has always been a very important sector in the economy. Traditional coal mines in the form of coal located in Yorkshire, Wales, Scotland and Lancashire have been provided to central British thermal energy needed for economic development. Although today its specific gravity is lower, remain a fundamental part of the economy. However, the UK is the 8th largest producer of gaseous pollutants from fossil fuel consumption, so as a signatory of the Kyoto Protocol has made a specific program for reduction of such gases to 2017. With the discovery in 1970 of abundant reserves of oil and natural gas in the North Sea, began commercial operation in 1975 and today is the second European producer after Norway.In the energy sector also has nuclear power plants supplying energy to the public and businesses, and ensure the maintenance of its military nuclear capability. The UK was the first country in the world to operate a nuclear power for civil purposes in 1956. The service sector is the one that brings the country’s GDP, most notably the stock market and banking financial services and insurance companies. The LSE is the world’s second largest financial center after New York and the British capital is the European city with more activity in the capital market. The other major financial and industrial capital in the UK is Edinburgh where major companies are located in the country and world. Although the country integrated in the European Union, the “Euroscepticism” traditional British keeps you out of the euro zone with the nation’s currency the pound sterling.There is a commitment from Prime Minister Tony Blair to hold a referendum to determine whether the UK is integrated or not in the single currency.