Early stimulation techniques help the growth of the child at all ages, however, it is of fundamental importance knowing how to stimulate babies and toddlers, from the earliest stages of child development, to encourage the acquisition of skills. Early stimulation, early stimulation, or early care is a group of techniques for the development of the abilities of children in its first phase of childhood. It is the Group of educational techniques used in children between birth and six years of life to empower them in their development. Interventions include the child globally and programs are developed taking into account both the individual and the family and the environment. One of the techniques of early stimulation is based on repetition of what is coming to be called information units.
Similar to all children learn to speak for themselves to base daily hear the sounds of the language, your brain is able to acquire another whole series of knowledge through the systematic repetition of stimuli or simple exercises. One of the activities that first develops in the child has to do with its psychomotor development, specifically with lifting and controlling head. This enables you to be able to sit, crawl, roll over, child psychomotor stimulation should be accompanied by emotional. I.e. to respond to the demands and treat them with the affection you need, is already achieving a proper psychomotor stimulation. We have to bear in mind that repetition achieves reinforce neural areas of interest, for example: to make a baby crawl it is necessary to control the so-called cross pattern, i.e., orchestrate his right hand with his left foot and vice versa in this way the child can move forward.