The source of these stories that we will see, is proceeding from an inhabitant of this city, Mr. Jair Andrade Lemos, that thus it affirmed: I would like to say following: When I came back of Porto Alegre, already he had the firm Fleck and Ebling, they had opened the society and was vendida the part of warehouse for my grandfather, and part of confections, hardware and fabrics for its Peter Schuck. Good! At least it heard to talk and to count of that house is a house constructed in 1909 the 1910, I do not know who constructed, if it was the Fleck, its was the Ebling, it would even like to know who was the first idealizer of that firm, but she was one of the main ones of Taquara, and in a very long period, it worked very with the Mountain range, us we had a very wide land, a very great patio, where the serranos came with its troops of mules, bringing cheese, wool, hair to cavalar. They also brought to the times honey, it bathes, and came to vender in Taquara and at the same time they led what they needed for its necessities, fabrics, salt, kerosene, medicines. Then, ' ' it was a warehouse, that esquina of purchase works and sales of mercadorias' '. In accordance with displayed above, we can verify that the Street Tristo Hunter was forming very strong a commercial base in the Old Taquara of the New World. However, the frank expansion of the system of exchanges requested a more income-producing alternative for the traders headquartered in this street, therefore the fluvial transport of the products, that were vendidos for the cities of Are Leopoldo and Porto Alegre, practically unloaded all the profit profit in the bargains with the agriculturists. Ahead of this reality of the commerce, and the difficulties of transports, Martins10 in the sample as imaginary the urban ones of Taquara if they had developed on this new scene, affirms: ' ' In the Tristo Hunter the traders rubbed the hands gladly ahead enter of it and leave merchandises of its deposits and waited for briefing the arrival of the railway line that would be the great impulse that would become Taquara the biggest beans exporting polar region of the Brasil' '.