YOU HAVE THE WORDS OF LIFE ETERNA’ ‘ (id.v.68) Here it is the abismal difference: While the multitude searched the Jesus to-somente to receive from it material blessings: ‘ ‘ Jesus answered to them: In truth, in I say you to truth you search that me, not because you check signals, but because you ate of the bread and you saciastes. You work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for the Perpetual Life, which the Son of the Man will give to you; therefore in this, God, the Father, printed its selo.’ ‘ (id.vv.26, 27); while the multitude searched the Jesus to-somente to receive from it material blessings, to the true they searched disciples to hear it the Words of the Perpetual Life. Here it is the abismal difference! Perhaps it is not thus in our days? The religious megatemplos are not pressed together of people to-somente in search of miracles and material blessings? However, without the stamp of the legitimate evanglica conversion, these milagrentas and sequiosas multitudes of material prosperity slide in tobog of mercenary the education leavend of its guru..