Claude Ernani Litig Mestrando in Ambient Technology in the College of Aracruz Permitted Full in Pedagogia – Qualifications: Educational orientation, Infantile Education and Teaching of the Initial Years of Basic Ensino for the College of Sciences Human beings of Aracruz in 2002. Bachelor in Theology for the Superior School of Teologia (ICSP) in 1995. email: Teacher. Nadja Blacksmith Master in Educao and Doutoranda in Educao (UFES) SUMMARY the objective of this article is to describe the landmark of aboriginal lands in the city of Aracruz, as fruit of the new paradigm restored in the Federal Constitution of 1988. It is considered to argue the recognition of the right to the self-determination of the aboriginal peoples, effected by the Constitution of 1988, breaking the paradigm of the integration and assimilation that dominated the diverse moments historical of the constitution. However, although the advance of the recognition of the right to the self-determination of the aboriginal peoples, many vices to tutor and preconceptions need to be surpassed.
It was worried in evidencing that until today a crisis of paradigms is lived where the colonizador search to hinder that the aboriginal peoples are the citizen of its history. The aboriginal community of the city of Aracruz has searched the efetivao of its right guaranteed for the 1988 constitution, but it has suffered to restrictions and retaliaes, demonstrating frank indifference and preconception throughout the last decades on the part of the Brazilian Government. The majority of the inhabitants of Aracruz enters and of the companies it is perceived presence of strong preconception and unfamiliarity of what it is a cultural diversity that disrespects the contribution of the aboriginal communities for the construction of the Aracruzense identity. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Landmark; Paradigm; Cultural identity; Aboriginal right; Federal constitution. INTRODUCTION Of brief form, the history of the Tupinikim starts approximately with its localization in an area of 100,000 km2, being a land band correspondent to the size of the current States of Rio De Janeiro and Espirito Santo.