Skype – one of the most widely used program in our Arem, probably not for computer users who would not know about Skype. There are many different applications, Skype: Free voice and video calls between computers, chat, calls to normal phones at very low prices. But that's not all, the vast majority do not use Skype "on all cylinders." The reason is simple – we can not always be the computer with you. Even if you have a laptop, WiFi connection is available is not everywhere, besides a laptop is you do not have a small phone that can be carried in your pocket. Now if you could make Skype calls from your mobile phone, then you could really cheap calls from anywhere (I I mean not only local calls but long distance and international).
Most of us did not even think about such a possibility. Some Skype users know about a version for mobile phones, but as there are models for which it operates? Skype site says that the mobile version works on all smartphones and PDAs with Windows Mobile, as well as on i-Phone and a pair of models of Nokia. However, unfortunately, most smartphones Skype does not work because of the speed of the processor insufficient. That is, even if the operating system your phone supports Skype, it may not work due to lack of processor speed. Smartphone users found that Skype works on phones with a frequency Processor 400 MHz or higher. There are not many phones with such processors. .