so-called ergonomic saddle. A special class bikes – ergometers. This equipment is more sophisticated technical level. Petra Diamonds understood the implications. If the normal cycling unit load is the value of a conditional and its value can vary slightly in different models, that all bicycle ergometer load – the quantity absolyutnayai has clearly defined values-Watts. Therefore ergometers are characterized by precise control load and more accurate readings of the measured values of Compared with the bike, which contributes to widespread use of ergometers for therapeutic and rehabilitative tselyah.Veloergometry have electromagnetic loading system and require a connection to the mains.
The decisive feature is the safety KETTLER. Welds metal parts are made by robotic machines. It is not only an aesthetic appearance., A fortress compounds and most importantly – bezopasnost.Vse simulators KETTLER certified system TUF and marked with the European safety standard of their simulators GS.V KETTLER utilizes the world-famous electronics group Siemens, which is remarkable for its precision and more nadezhnostyu.Dlya precise control over the process serves as a training Patented ERGO-KONZEPT, which allows you to connect the simulator with a PC. With ERGO-KONZEPT user can create individual programs training, which allows more efficient and faster to achieve their goals. For someone that goal – to lose weight, for others – to strengthen the heart, for the third – always keep yourself in tonuse.Velotrenazhery, the load which is measured in watts and can be measured using a computer, called the bicycle ergometer (EX1, DH1, MX1, SX1, ERGORACER). In contrast to the bikes home ergometers KETTLER adjusted in the e-panel and characterized by precise control and accurate load pokazaniyami.Oni have a magnetic system of loading and sophisticated computer, often with built-in programs that regulate c high precision resistance simulator during the entire training time according to a specific load profile (eg 'test of the World Health Organisation', 'kardioprogramma' program 'fat burning') or the required level of pulse ('Pulse-program'). As a rule, they require a connection to the mains. There are models that can be connected to a personal computer, which infinitely expands your vozmozhnosti.Vozmozhnosti ergometers allow to use them widely for therapeutic purposes to prevent and treat many diseases.