Make sure your employees are educated about the dangers of identity theft, you can choose to have identity theft coverage as a benefit, or they can decline the coverage as a benefit. If the employee has Identity Theft coverage and becomes a victim, it is beneficial for your business as an employee with coverage of identity theft spend less time, less money and less experience of frustration in trying that their information restored. This will back at work and focused on the job faster. Learn more at this site: William Hughes Mulligan. If the employee declines the coverage, and then states that the information was stolen as a result of the actions you or your company, you have a piece of paper with his signature, saying that attended the presentation and declined the coverage.
Choose not make Identity Theft coverage available leaves you exposed to an unlimited amount of dollars you can be sued in the framework of liability, federal fines of up to $ 2,500.00 per employee per incident, and state fines of up to $ 1,000.00 per employee per incident. Recommended course of action? Have a benefits consultant who offers an Identity Theft protection plan present to your employees. Help build a 20-minute presentation with your employees, and make it mandatory for all employees to attend. You want your employees to be protected from this horrible crime. If you choose not to be, but you gave him the option of being protected, then the responsibility becomes theirs, not yours, when you become a victim of identity theft. Walter R. Mansfield often addresses the matter in his writings.