They need the same chances, and the technology becomes issopossvel. Not it wants to say that the Intenet is a happy world where osinvisuais they can sail and look at with all the freedom as people without essadeficincia, but can be affirmed that with the aid of these sotwares that utilizamdo use of sintetizao of voice, brings more inclusion to the deficient people. FUTURE PROPOSALS So that deficient appearances are inserted in the mundovirtual are sugervel to consider a standard of Web pages, so that these pessoaspossam to usufruct of the great benefit of the Internet, of an easy and fast form, allowing that they have the most varied information and access to half of notice, purchases, entertainment and research, to be able to not only develop its ladosocial, but mainly its professional life. This work could be considered the Governmental bodies, Commercial Institutions and Entities, for the next ones the Vestibule of the Different Vision. Antonio Silvae Daniel Saws.
Available in Access emMar/2009. 02 MICROPOWER Technology in Educao and Negcios.Disponvel in Access in Mar/2009. 03 NIEE UFRGS Nucleus of Computer science in the EducaoEspecial Federal University of the Available Rio Grande Do Sul in Access in Fev/2009. 04 SANTAROSA, L.M.C. Cooperation In the Web Between PNEE: constructing to knowledge in the Nucleus of Computer science in the Special Education.