Beyond the sesmarias, possua one marries in the farm, a house in the square (in the center of the city), house with shed, a farm of capim in the street of the Gloria, a land in the Street Crosspiece of the Caxias, and a mansion to the side of the cemetary, as well as some goods in Bag. Its flock (self-moving) enrolled in the explicit a dimension of its wealth: seven a thousand seven hundred and thirteen you pray of creates xucras, 30:812,000 kings, two hundred you pray of creates bellwethers, 1:000,000 kings, four hundred and sixty and nine steers, 5:029,500 tame kings, forty and eight oxen, 720,000 kings, five hundred bulls, 3:500,000 kings, seven hundred and ninety and three mares xucras, 1:586; 000 kings, twenty seven fillies, 162,000 kings, twenty three donkeys, 23,000 kings, fourteen donkeys, 224,000 kings, one hundred and fifty and two mules xucras, 600,000 kings, four tame mules, 64,000 tame kings, a thousand and sixty and four sheep, 851,000 kings and two hundred horses, 2:508,000 kings. In the goods enrolled in the inventory we evidence that major Francisco Maciel was a great estancieiro already in the half of century XIX, occupying a position of prominence in the politics and the economy of the santanense society. The major heading who is related in the documentation was received probably, in the Farroupilha Revolution (1835-1845), since in this document it appears the relation of compadrio with David Canabarro. In the following pages of the dense inventory we find listed a great breeding of 25 slaves, of which 18 were in captivity and 7 run away, between young adult. Helen Osrio points that the great breeding, in the colonial period, possuam of 20 the 49 slaves, although the sazonal work in the chore with the cattle, as the castration, and the organization of the troops attributions of the campeiros slaves, who in turn worked side by side with the free and wage-earning workers (OSRIO, 2005).