In the work to follow, it will be displayed on what they are the debentures, are movable values regulated by the CVM (Commission of Movable Values) and its more used forms, the same ones can nominative or contractual and be classified as simple or convertible in action. They can also classify them according to species that are: with real estate security, with floating, quirogrfica guarantee or without preference and subordinate. nteresting facts. The debentures not guaranteed and the debentures with guarantee also exist. The importance will be presented of if to make a financial planning, which are the operations most common and that measured they must be made to diminish the risks of the investments. Being elaborated a personal financial planning, with analysis and I diagnosis of the income and the expenses. It has three types of expenses, being they: fixed expenses, changeable expenses and arbitrary expenses (superfluous).

1.1Os that they are debentures? It is a heading of divides amortizable, whose name has origin in Latin debere that it means to have or what it must be paid. Debenture is, therefore, an evidential heading of divides of emitted who it. The debentures are movable values regulated by CVM (Commission of Movable Values) the representative ones of divide of medium and long run that its detainers assure (holders of debentures represented for the agent trustee) right of I credit against the emitting company, right these established in the Writing of Emission. The emitting company can effect an emission more than, each one of them can be divided in series, being of the same series of equal nominal value and conferring its bearers the same rights. The Agent trustee is the legal representative of the community of interest of the holders of debentures, protecting its rights next to the sender. Its presence is obligator in the emissions publishes. In the case of the emission of debentures, the investor loans to the emitting company the corresponding amount to the value of the headings that this acquiring with the promise to receive, in the contracted stated period, the main one invested, increased of remuneration and in the form defined for the Writing of Emission.