The essential trace element zinc prevented from entering the medical profession as a rhinovirus colds designated agent through the nasal mucosa into the body and spread out, today announces the vital substance Academy in Cologne. Thus zinc prevents the cold. Therefore, it is now appropriate to take 15 milligrams of zinc daily in combination with the amino acid histidine. Histidine promotes, according to the German Society for the absorption of dietary zinc (1) and thus provides a high zinc bioavailability. In addition, zinc has anti-viral and supports the immune system in many ways. Zinc can also ward off cold viruses and prevent the common cold. During the cold period is an additional intake of zinc is advisable. Scientific studies support the effect of zinc in the prevention and treatment of colds. U.S. researchers found it and published it in the New England Journal of Medicine that regular intake of zinc, the cold symptoms significantly reduced.Study participants, which they gave no zinc were peeved typical eight days “, while the zinc study participants’ sigh of relief after about four days later could. By Zinkeinnahme halved so the cold period. Zinc puts plentiful in oysters, beef and offal. Relatively zinkarm contrast, are plant foods also contain substances that inhibit as phytic acid, the zinc intake. In contrast, many animal foods are rich in histidine to ensure a good supply of zinc and thereby. A targeted zinc and Histidinversorgung can also ensure also long-term deposits with commercial tablets. For more information about vital nutrients are available on . On this new website provides information about vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and other nutrients. Also discussed here a nutritionist and other recognized experts free to the appropriate use of vital nutrients in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Literature(1) reference values for nutrient intakes (Paperback)) by the German Nutrition Society (DGE) (Editor, Austrian Nutrition Society (ANS) (Editor), the Swiss Society for Nutrition Research (SGE) (Editor) and the Swiss Nutrition Association (Editor) Book Review: Recently, the publisher is in the Southwest “practice book appeared vital substances, which not only the” truth about vitamins and Co provides students, but with errors on vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, secondary plant materials and other vital ingredients thoroughly cleans. The authors and Prof. Uwe Grober Hademar Hofer has managed to present a well-readable and scientifically sound book that the reader through the “jungle of vital substances” support. Praxishandbuch vital substances, and Prof. Uwe Grober Hademar Hofer, Sdwest Verlag, 17,95 Euro, ISBN 3-517-06995-7Vital Substance Academy, c / o: AG Brckenstrae 1-3, 50667 Cologne, 0221-2705212,