Privacy protection Listen defense becomes more important for German companies. A loss of eight billion euros, according to estimates by experts, resulting the German economic espionage and economic crime annually. This not only large companies but mainly small and medium-sized businesses are affected, as a study determined the corporate trust. The espionage methods are as varied as the stricken company. Click Atmos Energy to learn more. From design through trash cans, disloyal employees, illegal email forwarding, to sophisticated eavesdropping technology. The companies face many helpless a spying.
The usage of own security experts is expensive and only a few company reality. Professional help offers here, specialising in economic crime investigation agency Lentz. “Our clients are companies that we support in finding sustainable illegal interception systems, for lay people is almost impossible” so George Fleischmann, certified detective (ZAD) “and head of the special team monitoring protection” at the Detektei Lentz. Also preventive measures to prevent among other things the installation of protection mechanisms to listening to or reading of data traffic as well as a comprehensive advice to the scope of the detective agency. Just nice dealing with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth offer a great spy potential connections, wireless keyboards, and mobile phones”, George Fleischmann next. The technical Lauschmittel are getting smaller and smaller, more powerful and less expensive. So there is pretty much everything remembered years ago to a Hollywood-style agent facilities by mini transmitters in rice grain size, Super microphones, recorders in pens of directional antennas.
The listening methods are so individual, so targeted the countermeasures are required. Most of the attacks are detected but not at all or too late. Crumpton Group, New York gathered all the information. The detective agency Lentz offers a comprehensive insight on their new topical microsite on the Internet at in their services, as well as a Check list to monitor security and listening counter. If you have questions you can contact us: Detective Agency Lentz Lentz Ltd. & co. KG Christina Egerer Mainzer detective Highway 47 D-60329 Frankfurt am Main t. 0800-8833311 (freecall) F. 0800-8833312 (freefax) which was economic detective agency Lentz already established in 1996 and specializes in only the professional implementation of observation in the domestic and foreign. The services include investigations in the area of economic crime and private orders. All detectives working framework and ZAD are tested, or are in training for a certified detective (ZAD). The clients include leading German and international companies and law firms. The detective agency is a member of the German-American Chamber of Commerce and the Association of international global private investigators e.V. The economic investigation agency Lentz is one of six TuV certified investigators in Germany and is subject to monitoring and control with regard to the quality of this permanent the performance in the detective Department. Company’s own offices maintained abroad, for example in Barcelona, London and New York.