To read my previous article on this topic, you’ve failed to understand my opinion on what are complementary opposites, the two parts of ourselves that cause we want something with great force and at the same time, we resist that same with the same impulse. It is as if we were drawn by two horses, but in opposite directions!.! What what happens? don’t know what we want? Of course that Yes, but as I said, in any aspect can find these two forces, because simply could exist without the other. Let me repeat: not may exist the one without LA OTRA. To appreciate what you like, inevitably you must have known something that you don’t like so you can compare and choose. If you want adventure, it’s because on the other hand you know that is somewhat unpredictable and risky and that there is something called security.

Each person knows the different poles and thats what makes that we can find in our life attractions and nuances. Opposites exist and to be able to appreciate them in ourselves, we can opt for one or the other direction and also of course for an intermediate point between the two. Even if you now think that there should be no blockades that separate us from what we want, to observe with sufficient attention possibly you can realize that that part that hinders us wants to protect ourselves somehow. For more specific information, check out Sian Beilock. Want to give us security, approval of others or more control in our lives. For this reason, separates us from something that may go against. It is without doubt a great job learning to tame and manage these two parties toward where we want to, taking advantage of what they both have to offer us, but becoming the rider who leads the cart toward where we want to. We will not be at the mercy of circumstances.

And if you’ve already experienced this, it may be that you are wondering if it will not be possible to transcend these differences if so, I will tell that possibly if there is that point of view, or that position or that State, in which there will be polarity to speak otherwise. The non-dual state will manifest When we learn to work with the two aspects and will be able to first accept that there may be something that at this time we do not want as opposed to what we do. When we are able to accept without conditions, we will have taken the first step to transcend. I do not speak here choose one or another aspect, but reaching that point where it is not even necessary. We will have transpired, after having incorporated. But until then, we have an exciting work to do will have to release and choose, to achieve what we now consider important.