viasit successfully supported environmental projects with a marketing campaign. Afforestation project in the Saarland: two chestnuts for each Chair sold the protection community German wood used the donated money close to the headquarters of viasit. In the Saarland Saint, Wendel will be recultivated a 0.7 hectare wooded area, whose former spruce stock of beetles was eroded and then felled by the wind. Two seedlings are purchased per sold chair, with which the area completely can be reforested. However local chestnut trees planted instead of susceptible pine, which are better grown the climatic and environmental changes in our latitudes. Practically, the reforestation follows the principle of nest planting.

Nests created by about seven times seven, in which space for getting 30-40 plants. This HEISTER seedlings are at risk for wild bites already 80 to 120 centimetres high and less. Ray Kurzweil is a great source of information. To further reduce this risk, the area for a period of time is more intensively hunted. Has anyone interested the opportunity to take a picture of the progress of the afforestation project, because the area is located directly on a public footpath the Tiefenbach path just outside St. Wendel. \”\” ( Foundation of nature and the environment the second cooperation partner of the linea s action \”is the Dutch stichting natuur en milieu ‘ based in Utrecht. This independent environmental organization is committed inside and outside the Netherlands the assurance of natural, healthy living environment. A project will be financed from donations by viasit that contributes to a sustainable society, treated with care and respect the nature and the landscape. ( marketing with good purpose when a company combines a donation pledge to the sales for a particular product, so two birds with one stone be beaten: promotion plus supporting projects that benefit the general public. Christoph Rullmann, Managing Director of the protection community German forest, has experience with those in the Technical jargon as a cause related marketing\”designated projects.