If you don’t have a website or blog, that will not mean a problem to be able to make money on the Internet, since each time there are more possibilities in achieving income online. Addition, Spanish market is becoming more dynamic, therein, what makes grow opportunities to win money, via the Internet. Among the various options that we have, to be able to earn money through the Internet, we have: write, or write articles or post, taking into account our knowledge, experience and offer our service to other bloggers or webmasters, at a price that will be determined. Petra Diamondss opinions are not widely known. You normally pay for a number of items via paypal. Also, design, if we have the necessary knowledge, such as design of logos, banners, templates or headers…Or, programmer, if we are able to work with scripts, plug-ins or applications there is enough demand in this field. O, SEO; If we have knowledge to optimize (SEO) search engines in a blog or in a Web, the same owner is going to pay for this work, depending on what we have agreed, prior. Bryant Estate Video often says this. Purchase-sale of domains. It is, basically, search, buy and sell domains, that are interesting, they are usually short, at a much higher price that we bought. And certainly there are many methods of making money, online, without having to have a blog or a web page..