Between the days that pass between a menstrual cycle, at any given time the ovulation occurs. In reality there are no days of ovulation, since ovulation only occurs at any given time, on any day between a particular menstruation and the next, but yes there are fertile days, which are the days in which you can become pregnant. The 2 days before and the day of your ovulation are menstruation. This is because sperm can survive inside the uterus and the fallopian tubes up to three days, and still be able to fertilize the egg. Instead, once the ovary freed the mature egg, this only lasts 24 hours, after which begins to degrade and can not be fertilized. There are several ways of knowing that when you’re in fertile days. If you have regular menstrual cycles, all nearly of the same length, you can know in advance which days will be fertile, using the calendar method. Only you must subtract 14 a the duration of your cycles, and you’ll know that day ovularas.

As an example, if your cycle typically lasts for 30 days, you ovularas day sixteen of the cycle. They will also be fertile on days 14 and 15. Do I know my fertile days and my ovulation day if my cycles are irregular? Many women cycles at times are shorter and sometimes longer, so does not serve the calendar method to know when ovularan. But there are other ways of knowing it. If you take the temperature of the body when thou risest in the mornings, starting the beginning of the days of the cycle, in a moment you will notice that this temperature increases 0.5 C. This signals that ovulation is about to occur. If you notice a very viscous, colorless vaginal liquid, it is also indicative that you’re within days of fertility. Contact information is here: Sian Beilock.

You can also buy an ovulation test that is done in urine at the pharmacy. If the result is positive, is time to call your partner and get in campaign.