New certificate course of wisoak starts on the 10.5., Bremen 1.2.2011. On the 10.5.2011 starts the IHK certificate course wisoak in Bremen for the first time specialist recruitment consultancy and mediation. The course is intended for those, do the staff work, in particular staff provide, obtain or give, such as in temporary work agencies including personnel service agencies, public and private labour brokers or personnel departments of large companies. The course enables the participants professionally, to meet the (minimum) quality standards for the private personnel and recruitment. The contents of this certificate course are: the labour market, workers and employers, legal recruiters, recruiters as coach, recruitment, personnel evaluation, selection and professional guidance, recruiters as a consultant target group: employees who advise people, procure, convey and give special feature: only written application! Please request application forms! Requirements: Proof of work as recruiters and recruitment consultants seminar duration: 116 hours beginning: 10.05.2011 end: 22.09.2011 place: Bertha-von-Suttner str. 17, 28207 Bremen partecipation fee: 930,-ERM.