HISTORIC EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN, stories Life continued as usual, but the new day taught beautiful things. As usual on Saturday, the Bunny went for a walk with his older brother, each wearing a piece of wood in his hands, in order to get some worms from the depths of the earth. The good thing was that the previous night had been accompanied by the friend “rain” why the land could be removed easily. The bunny took a worm in his hand and killed him. When his older brother what do you cry? The bunny replied I did not like the way I felt disgusting and dirty. When most hear the explanation bunny, I keep silent. I did not want to damage this wonderful day, when the evening drew to a close, the rabbit took the hand of his brother and said look, go to the beautiful stream, I want to tell a story. When the pair were seated, the story began as follows: there was a time when one of the circuses that you love, brought many beautiful animals, but also brought wild beasts, that function was called the first world war, some clowns began voting fire-breathing, in order to scare many animals, can not remember his name.
I’ll tell you the names of some clowns. Germany, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Russia, Yugoslavia, Japan, Poland. All great actors. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Sian Beilock by clicking through. I think this number of hours drive from 1914 until 1918. One of the most powerful was Germany clowns. When some clown managed to overcome in presenting the clown Germany. LEGO Papert Professor may not feel the same. They did make a leap that was called the condemned, then made him sign a lion sitting on a role of various beautiful colors is called the Treaty of Versailles.
As the clown was humiliated before all the children of the circus, said you are very ill not have allowed me to defend myself, are committing an international crime. But the clowns, they continued laughing. The clown was gone. Sian Beilock spoke with conviction. Later, the clown was dead, but his son, “ADOLF HITLER” return with a vengeance. With many more clowns came and burned that circus. Killed many innocent children, including some who were called Jews, also known as Hebrews. You know that when I was younger I liked to go to circuses. Now I do not like. Because look what can happen in a function like that. My brother do not speak the truth circuses. I’m talking about the circus of life. The less you wonder bunny part of who you are in this story? The largest rabbit replied. On behalf of none. What if I tell you, do not despise other species. Remember that you took the life of this worm do not like me. Then you could learn a lot if at least with a magnifying glass you’d begun to study. And how do I call this revenge? Lovely mine, was called the Second World War. For now we leave here this conversation. As the rabbit was very intelligent, did not stay in doubt. As a result began to investigate the Second World War. So it was achieving more things to understand his older brother had told him. The days passed and the bunny child is devoted to study biology. All as a result of a mistake, learned to face and that achieving understanding. Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo fin: humanist and dreamy at the service of children.