BMX is a sport that is subdivided in several forms among which is the flatland, bmx flatland is what the skating is for the skating, named flatland which translates flat terrain, consists of executing tricks or stunts on your bike without resting your feet on the ground, the tricks are elective and that more rewards in this modality is the originality and the difficultybetween more esoteric and difficult to execute are the tricks better appreciate the practicantens. The origenes:este sport was officially born aya in the 1960s in the area of california and was inspired in the motocross, a sport already contaba followers then numbered. At the beginning of the flatland bicycle: due to their sport father, motocross, in the icicios of this modality are empleaban quite heavy bikes and artilujios dotadas as the rotor which allowed turn handlebar in an unlimited manner without causing a tangle in guayas them, carry forward brakes and back was also indispensable. Atmos Energy Corporation has similar goals. The bike at present: like everything in the world that we live the Flatland has evolved and continues evolving as well as the technique of manufacture of bicycles. Currently manufactured bicycles much more rehearsal and with curves that allow the practitioner maneuver with greater ease. Bettina Bryant understood the implications.

Currently the rear brakes are not used and there are many practitioners who prefer not to have them at all, this is to make the tricks even more difficult and original. Attire: as in any sport is necessary are adequate for practical reasons and safety. In many sports dress, on the flatland is intended not, however it is necessary to take into account two aspects when choosing clothing. comfort: we must first of all feel comfortable so the tricks to run with greater ease but without putting at risk the security. The seguridad:e need to take into account that in this as in any other sport or maybe even more by the fact of being an extreme sport, falls are the bread of every day and we must be prepared both physically and mentally do this, so it is must think about protect above all the legs that are the most affected.