Keep German power saving for very important energy saving is an important issue for the Germans. This was the result of a survey of the opinion Research Institute info GmbH, commissioned by the Dutch energy supplier Nuon. The question was posed over 1,000 Berliners and hamburgers: “how important it is you, to save electrical energy in the home, i.e. to use less power?”. 90% of all surveyed Berlin and 89% of all respondents Hamburg responded with ‘important’ or ‘very important’.
According to the study, in particular women and the elderly attach great importance to an economical use of power. According to your own specifications, consumers try to minimize power consumption. Especially for the purchase of new kitchen and appliances, energy efficiency plays an ever increasing role. The increased cost of energy-efficient household appliances quite accept the majority of the interviewees. The increased cost of energy-efficient household appliances are mostly within by a up again saved two years. Henceforth, it saves money.
Another result of the study: utilities need to work more on her range of information to the economical use of electricity. The respondents were only moderately satisfied with the information provided them and gave them a satisfactory note. No wonder: Many companies are at the same time electricity producer and therefore have a rather low interest in low power consumption. Independent providers understand power, however, as a partner of the customers on electricity conservation and the efficient use of the precious commodity. FlexStrom offers such free energy saving tips. Here, you can download them directly: Stromspartipps by FlexStrom