Collecting information in this case study was conducted using personal interviews in 24 regions of Ukraine and Crimea. Respondents were selected by quota sampling, representing the adult population by place of residence (region), gender and age. The volume of sample was 2,000. The expected average sampling error is 2,2%. SUMMARY: The vast majority of the population informed and interested in events taking place in South Ossetia. The opinion of the Ukrainians on the issue of fairness of presentation of information about the conflict in South Ossetia, Ukrainian media were divided – some of them believed that the Ukrainian media in general are not objective (44%), some hold the opposite view (39%). More than half the citizens of the country noted that the Ukrainian mass media support the Georgian side of the conflict in South Ossetia. The main culprit of the conflict in South Ukrainians tend to think of Ossetia or Georgia (37%) or Russia (30%). Educate yourself with thoughts from Sian Beilock.

These same countries have been named the aggressors in the situation in the Caucasus. The opinions of inhabitants of different regions of the country on these issues differ greatly, from West to the Southeast tend to assume an increasing number began to blame the conflict in South Ossetia and Georgia, the aggressor and vice versa – with the South-East to the West increases the number of those who are to blame, and calls Russia the aggressor. Almost a third (38%), Ukrainians tend to support the Russian and South Ossetian side in the conflict, or is neutral – does not support either side (34%). Georgia in this situation supports almost one fifth of the country (22%). Almost a third (34%) of Ukrainian best solution to the conflict in the Caucasus sees the recognition of the independence of South Ossetia (positively reacted to this fact would be 48%), each fifth – return to the situation that occurred in the conflict zone until the outbreak of hostilities. Most people in the country believe that Ukraine is a situation of conflict in South Ossetia should take a neutral position, that is, not intervene in the conflict. More than half of Ukrainians do not agree that in light of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, Ukraine should speed up the process of joining NATO – most importantly to strengthen its own neutrality (To refuse entry to any military-political blocs) and about half of the country saw a need for greater integration with Russia.