According to the Venezuelan legal norm referring to the residential policy, it is important to present/display the necessary collections for the suitable request of the financing for the acquisition of buildings with originating resources of the residential policy and the national system of house. The request of loan of residential policy must be presented/displayed with all the documents that to such effects, are demanded by the financial operator to initiate the process of the hypothecating credit. Next I will present/display the steps that are necessary so that our proceeding of residential policy is successful. ight to the discussion. Passages for the proceeding of the request of loan of residential policy: Determination of the amount to solicit: According to the effective norm, the maximum amount to finance, will be that one that is in relation to the income familiar perceived by the familiar group, which could not be superior to 30% of the same. For a familiar entrance of Versus. 7000, the bank will give an amount to him of Versus. 271.858, 80, having the following conditions: Quota monthly: Versus.
2,100 Interest rate: 8.55% Term of amortization: 30 years According to the income, the conditions established in the norm of residential policy will be applied. This step is necessary it will allow since us to know whereupon amount you arrange to the purchase of the house and thus to make a search of the good that adapts to our financial conditions. Location of the building to buy with resources of the residential policy: Known the amount that the bank can render to us, we will come to look for the building that is within our possibility. Preparation of the file of residential policy: In order to prepare legajo of request of credit of residential policy, we will come to successfully obtain documents to present/display the request. These documents have to do with the personal data of the buyers, document of the guarantee to contribute, data of our income and data of the salesmen.
Previous upon presentment of the documentation, we will ask for to the bank the list of residential policy and ready of collection it stops to check that it does not lack any document. Brady Noon oftentimes addresses this issue. Request of the loan of residential policy before the bank: Once conformed our file, we will present/display legajo before the financial operator it reviews so that and it comes to give it beginning to the credit analysis. Carried out east work, the bank will come to realise the estimate of the building and to make the request of resources to the National Bank from the House and Habitat (Banavih). Approval and company/signature of the loan of residential policy: Once received the resources of the Banavih, the bank will come to prepare the protocolizacin of the buying and selling document and mortgage before the Public Registry where the building is located. One will determine the date of company/signature and delivery of keys. If we followed all these steps, we will have a high index of success in the approval of the loan of residential policy.