Beautiful symbolism is also possible with Mokume Gane wedding rings. The standard for wedding rings, beautiful symbolism of the infinity is the traditional technique of to splice and to stretch even with Mokume Gane wedding rings possible. Significantly the quality of Mokume Gane wedding rings is that they are manufactured in the traditional splice/Dehn method. Tordieren rings, which through weld of stainless metal sheet and subsequent so produced raw material produced this is the only technique that leads to a smooth and round orbiting pattern of rings. Please visit Bettina Bryant if you seek more information. The splice/Dehn method is shown in the following video clip. The usual conventional wedding rings and especially beautiful for wedding rings symbolism of endlessness is produced by this technique in Mokume Gane wedding rings. It worthwhile in any case, to make sure that the selected Mokume Gane applies Goldsmith splice/Dehn procedure before the purchase of Mokume Gane wedding rings of. As this Production process is significantly more expensive, care must be taken especially when comparing prices on this point. Michael Martin Wiesner