Inhibited Of the fights that I stopped and the ways that I searched, the life little provided to me. The destination made its game, played to show the route and insinuated, displaying its flavors; however, of the portions that I reached, when I ingested the highest point, the essence already if esvara. When my estame almost inaugurates pistilo of the flower, of it was not the polinizador. When almost I inhabited, I was deloused, inhibited; therefore, of the food that more I had hunger, I did not obtain to eat; the original sin that more I begged, I did not obtain to commit; of the source that more I had headquarters, I did not obtain to drink; of the fruit that more I desired, I did not obtain to prove; the naked one that it bewitched more me, I did not obtain to touch; the salient, small hidden e, that more wanted to sorver, I did not obtain to unmask; in ' ' fenda' ' that it lit mine covets, I did not obtain to penetrate. Thus, in this trituuura, the seiva that vitaliza the vio dries up, retracts the libido, dims the muddy being and the pursued aiming. However, still thus, exactly knowing that this feeling cleaves the chest and disorders the heart, I wait to be moved, enraptured and absorbed for gameta of this flower, and in this enlevo, spoon it knot agasalho of this vicejar..