2 – potential economic impact on Panama. Map of the Central American Network of SIEPAC a) The export of energy by the SIEPAC. SIEPAC Project has two main objectives: (a) support the formation and gradual consolidation of a Regional Electricity Market (MER), and (b) establishing electrical interconnection infrastructure (transmission lines and substations compensation equipment) that allows electricity exchanges among the participants of MER. The initial infrastructure, along with reinforcements from the national transmission system, makes available a reliable and secure capacity transport of energy of about 300 MW between the countries of the region in 2007 distributed as follows: limited network 2005-2007 In addition to the six nations participating in the SIEPAC, the Puebla Panama Plan originally included Mexico and Belize.Another related work, the electrical interconnection between Guatemala and Mexico, began in June 2006 and should enter service in 2010 with the start of Mexico’s energy export to neighboring Guatemala. In January 2009 the Commission Federal de Electricidad of Mexico (CFE) purchased 11.1 shares of SIEPAC paving the way for internationalization. The CFE expects the project, which allows you to sell excess energy Mexican, to reduce costs in Central America. Electrical interconnection open the Colombian market for that resource to Central America and Mexico and will be conducted through the binational company formed between the Colombian and Panamanian ETESA ISA, called Electric Interconnection Colombia-Panama SA b) The production and export of biofuels. Western Hemisphere countries like Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina are betting heavily on the export of biodiesel to Europe, America and other Latin American countries.A nearest country as the Republic of Nicaragua, began the research and exploitation of biodiesel with jatropha (locally called tempate) in 1993 when, it was estimated that Nicaragua could save tens of millions of dollars planting and harvesting tempate diesel. In the example of Argentina, with an investment of close to 6 of global market for biofuels, biodiesel exports reached in 2008, 600,000 tons worth 584 million dollars. In Panama, if favorable legislation to drive the production of biodiesel from products that do not compete with human food or animal is adopted, it could create an important export market and domestic consumption for replacement fuels fossil fuels used in the country and also give effect to the rural populations who are at home and concentrating the lowest wages. c) The industrial exports from Panama.The proper support of renewable energy by Panamanian law would boost the creation of a renewable energy industrial base in Panama promoting the development of specialized companies, such as consultants, such as exist in countries like Brazil, Argentina and Chile that could provide specialized services across the continent with revenues. The manufacture of wind turbines in Panama could also give a boost to the market unimaginable outside the country especially when you consider that the investment to be carried in the wind sector until the year 2020 are estimated only for the European markets, between 10 and 16 billion per year.If we take into account the geographical position of Panama, the existence of the canal and the presence in its territory of consulting firms and wind turbine manufacturing industry (a situation almost unique in Latin America except Brazil and Mexico), Panama could become in the future with a global market share, however small they were might even match the revenue today by the Panama Canal.